AMMA by Tipp topp Segura S.L. Family business with a passion for horticulture and agriculture, specializing in the cultivation of industrial hemp for 8 years in Switzerland.
With great success, obtaining in this period a portfolio of important clients throughout Europe.
With the intention of always evolving and improving the quality of our product, since 2021 we have decided to cultivate in ANDALUSIAN land, recognized worldwide for its magnificent climate, so grateful for this plant.
We carry out different types of crops.
Some to obtain fibers, cereals and seeds, produced outdoors so that the plant can reach between, 5/6 meters in height if courted in textiles.
On the other hand, the production which is intended for pharmaceutical laboratories, cosmetic laboratories, new agri-food companies linked to the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) and finally, the tobacco industry, is manufactured in greenhouses fully equipped with the latest technologies, to obtain the best possible quality.
Later, we transform it in Switzerland and from there we distribute it throughout Europe, always keeping a stock available in Switzerland.
We currently have several tons of product.
We are a very dynamic, trustworthy, professional and expert company in the sector.
We work together, with experts, agricultural engineers, biologists, public laboratories, Ministries of Health, Ministries of Agriculture from all over the EU.
We have a legal department to advise you throughout the cultivation period.
We would like to share our knowledge, our experience and of course our excellent product and at the same time learn, grow and progress with companies in the sector.
We have complete traceability from the origin of the seeds or cuttings to the final destination of the plant.
We carry out constant analyzes and exhaustive quality control.
The object of the company is the production and manufacture, as well as the trade, import, export and sale of industrial hemp with permitted THC values in the EU and the Schengen Area.
Our sale is focused on natural products, in particular on all products from which industrial hemp can be derived.
We focus on raw materials, such as fiber up to a length of 6 meters for textiles.
We extract the oil for the pharmaceutical industry which is used to make medicine.
We work with the food industry, which includes it in the European list of novel foods since Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of November 25, 2015, in accordance with EFSA regulations.
We dedicate part of the production to cosmetic laboratories, for which we extract CBD oil powder in Switzerland, for creams, and all beauty products.
Another pillar of our business is sales to the tobacco industry.
Here we work the manipulation of plants in Switzerland, for the picking of flowers for this industry.
Due to its rapid growth, hemp absorbs four times more climate-damaging CO2 than trees and does not need artificial plant protection products or special fertilizers.
At the same time, this robust plant extracts toxins and even radioactive chemicals from the soil, helping, for example, to clean crops contaminated with pesticides.
1. Hemp could also play a role in the fight against deforestation.
For example, one hectare of hemp produces as much paper as four hectares of forest.
This culture has a long tradition, the production of industrial hemp paper dates back 2500 years.
2. Hemp is a very versatile, durable and future-oriented building material.
The tough, woody stem of hemp contains a versatile interior.
Hemp fibers are light, very strong, repel water and are also flame retardant. This is why they have been used for centuries, for the manufacture of ropes and sails for ships. Mold-free and pest-free hemp materials can also be used in building homes, from hemp fibers, leaves, and even seeds. There are already construction companies that use innovative and sustainable materials such as hemp concrete, it is also used for the insulation of houses or any type of construction. It is used to make panels for cladding facades because they are very light, for this reason they are very popular in Central Europe. Hemp combined with lime maintains and stores heat. It is certified for organic constructions and according to Minergie standards that, this product contributes to reducing CO2 emissions from the construction sector in the world, being the pioneer company in Switzerland with a very long life. Hemp is thought to have a lifespan of around 500 years.
3. For years flax and chia have been considered superfoods.
But compared to hemp seeds, the latter contain many more nutrients, vitamins A, B, D and E, as well as minerals, proteins and fatty acids.
A bowl of muesli is delicious and good for the body. If hemp seeds are added, they will benefit from its antibacterial, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory properties, insomnia, epilepsy, etc…, and if you are looking for
omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, you will find what you are looking for in hemp oil. Thanks to its high content, it is considered one of the healthiest vegetable oils.
Ben&Jerry ice cream will soon be available with a cannabis-based active
4. Hemp is already applied as an alternative to plastic and steel, in different countries.
It is said that in the early 1940s, Henry Ford built an extra light car using materials such as soybeans and hemp, which in various tests proved to be even more impact resistant than steel due with a high cellulose content.
Hemp is one of the most sustainable and biodegradable options available today.
5. Hemp is absolutely portable, for human and daily use.
Gone are those rough hemp purses made from green hemp leaves that were so difficult to weave.
Hemp textiles are just as stylish and easy to wear as cotton garments.
Compared to the latter, hemp even has some additional advantages, as it absorbs UV rays much better, regulates the temperature and does not contain residues of phytosanitary products.
And best of all: one kilo of hemp only requires a quarter of the amount of water required for cultivation and harvesting compared to cotton.